For windows PCs you need at least windows 7. The game itself shouldn't be demanding on system resources, in task manager it takes around 100 MB of DRAM, around 40 MB for VRAM and around 1-2% of CPU utilization on my Ryzen 7 (although when viewing the main menu animation it will use more CPU resources as the video format decoding is done by the CPU). Essentially it really shouldn't be an issue to run it if you have a PC that runs at least win7. It's why I don't believe the problem you are experiencing is tied to the game directly.
May I ask a question?, when I downloaded the game and played it, it was normal but when I closed my pc and start my pc again, it starts really-really slow, like it takes 20 mins for my chrome to be open, i download it on my laptop and tested it out and the same thing happen, anyone knows how to fix this?, I’m currently using my phone to type this
That's really bizzare, and it's highly unlikely to be caused directly by the game or the engine itself. If this happens *after* you close the game or after you reboot your PC then there shouldn't be any Godot/Identity related process going on in the background anymore. You're also the first one to report this issue in almost half a year since we switched to Godot. So I'm not sure how I could help. Perhaps it could be related to something else entirely, like an outdated driver on your end.
Nyrok is and will remain a twinky lizard :P The side image sprites of Nyrok that we showed in the latest Patreon post may look a bit thicker, but that's likely a consequence of the perspective being closer and Folsky's art style.
Was pretty hyped to try this game out, until it didn't work, starts up to the menu like normal and when I tried to start a new game, just shuts down. I tried running as administrator as previously stated in the changelog, but it's whatever the main menu was great enough for me.
Which platform are you using, and which version of the game? Note that v0.3.0.1 is the latest which fixes a lot of problems such as crashes like what you described, so make sure you're using the latest files.
Windows, it originally started crashing after starting a game an quitting out of it cause I accidentally skipped some dialogue. I tried uninstalling which didn't help and restarting my pc.
Hmm... that's an interesting issue, I (Rriik) have never run across it, but if it persists even after deleting and redownloading all the files it likely means it's related to the persistent data (saves, config files and the persistent dialogue history used for skipping). If you can open the game and look at the options menu, there should be a button to "Browse user data" which will open up the persistent directory. Try deleting the persistent.json file and restart the game, and let me know if it fixes the issue. (The folder location should be under "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Identity Visual Novel" in case you can't open it through the game).
Can you find the folder manually then? Note that the AppData folder is hidden by default in Windows, so you'll have to enable the "show hidden items" option under your file explorer settings.
has there been a decide date for the next update, because it's been a while and i'm building up so much anticipitation to play more of this heavenly delight, it's such a well put together game and i shouldn;t forget to mention that it's very unique in it's very own delightful way, keep up the good work and i hope i'll get back to you soon.
I was really in to the story when suddenly it took me back to the main screen. I was getting upset because it ends there. I will definitely support you because I want a scene with brym ;-;
There's going to be way more content when this game is done than what is currently playable, so don't worry too much about it ^^ It's just a matter of time.
Hey there! Garreth's route does exist, although we will rewrite most of his content and the way dating works in general, as we have previously detailed in our recent Patreon post ( The pictures we use for when announcing a new release are simply screenshots (usually from new content added with said releases) and not featuring a character does not mean we deleted them, so don't worry about that.
Hey there, glad you like Identity! As for Corvolin, we are actually still in debate on whether to make him a love interest or just a plot-relevant character. Also, although we refer to him as male, he's a spirit and only manifests in his form through Yarin's eyes, and his voice sounds like what a male and female voice would sound like put together. But yes, our writers have been in frequent meetings during our hiatus and discussed the way forward for the game's story and characters. We want to make sure everything going forward is planned thoroughly.
I have a question for any dev right now. I have been playing many story options and many have a line through the characters and say not available. When will they be available and if so how do I update? Amazing game 10/10 great story with a lot of heart
Hey there, we're glad to hear that you loved what we have so far! Regarding the character dating options, we are currently undergoing a writing shift (explained in depth in this post We will be changing how we go about the free time segments and reducing the cast of characters so that we can better focus on the characters people like most. We'll also be adjusting the dating menus to be more expressive and cut out the long list of crossed out options, showing only those that can be seen.
As for updating, we have paused our patreon for a few months as explained in that post, using the time to plan ahead and decide what to change in the game. When we have a new build ready, we will make an announcement about it.
Thanks for letting me know! I believe that a studio like yours are the ones who should be praised for their work! I absolutely loved the story and characters in game they are extremely amazing! Your studio did better on a story than many others could ever do. Amazing job and can't wait to see the game progress in the future!
Hey there, updates for our game usually happen once every two months, however we have been on hiatus for a few months due to a change of writers which we have talked about in full on this post: The last major Identity update was released around mid-April (version 0.3), and a patch came a month after that (version in mid-May) which brought a lot of bug fixes and stability/QoL improvements.
thanks ur hard work is appreciated, quite sad how long the next update will be :< (it's rly goood!!) take as much time as u want and also thank u so much for posting this for free in
If you look in the controls menu, fullscreen can be toggled with the F or F11 keys. You can also toggle it from the options menu in the display settings.
This is one of the best game I've played so far on, and I'm impatient for the next update. The end got me confused tho, but I might now who that prisoner is and was.
Also I don't really remember what happens after choosing too much answers with crosses, can someone please tell me?
Hey there! We still have a lot of story left to tell with Identity, as well as many improvements to make (a lot more audio, a better dating experience, more expressions to all the sprites, etc.), so that's by no means the end :P As for choices with crosses, they will eventually look better than they do now, but the idea is they usually point to scenes that have alt content and serve as a bit of a heads up in that regard.
I don't understand that, I'm french and I still learn nowadays (started learning english in video games when I was around 5), so maybe you can give me an example?
What happens with the choice with crosses with Ulu in her apartement? I really want to choose that but I'm scared of what might happen after.
That scene basically has Nyrok trick Mindalu into thinking he's her husband and he lets himself gets captured if you keep pursuing it, leading to an alternative ending of the game.
Oh I see, I'll definitely try that, but can you load a save after choosing too much choices with crosses? I remember seeing something saying you can't go back.
Also there's that one character that you can meet (I don't remember their name) and she tells you to call her during the night but I don't know any way to get to night time to meet her again, can you tell me how?
Game saves are not tied to the choice system, you can load earlier saves just like in any game. And you can't meet her because her dates are not yet implemented. We are going to rework the majority of the dating content in the game, and Camila will be removed from the game as we are trying to reduce the size of the cast and focus on the characters that matter most, so her dates will be removed. You can read more on that on our latest Patreon (public) posts.
I gotta say when I first downloaded this game I thought it was just another dating game but holy shit was I wrong. This is by far the best game I've played since tavern of spear(Another super good game) and I'm in love with all the characters especially brymor.(I got a personal connection with the big dude) I Indefinitely will help as much as I can funding this project because I believe it can go a long ways....CANT WAIT TILL THE NEXT UPDATE!!!!!
Idk what to say. Garreth's offer infuriated me. I instantly regretted going with him. It would be nice to add an option that would reflect how insulted I was by his offer. That just ruined the mood.
hay nice work on the game like the others i can't wait for the update to come next, i love the characters and the fact you the player have the choice over everything even if things go really badly but to be honest i hope that the character you play as doesn't change who he is now, be awesome to chose that as you FINAL choice become the prick you once was or keep how you are now and become the clean slate... with a thing for dragons i guess XD (though i can't talk i have a thing for dragons too) but even if that's not the end ill still love it it's just..... WOW for all i can say...
Hello, I played through the game a few times and I think it's a great game. I just can't wait for Draxima's story line and the end with Kovle to be added. But for me, this game is a 5/5 stars, great work!
(Edit) And what I mean by Kovle end is when the option for Kovle appears before sleep
Whenever I make a new save file, the visual novel just crashes. Once I open up the application again, the save file is there, but it says it's corrupted and I can't open it. I hope this glitch gets fixed soon.
There are two ways to save the game. One is using the button above the textbox, the other is through the escape (pause) menu. The button above the textbox is glitched in this version, we already fixed the issue and it will go public with the next release. Until then, please save and load using the ESC menu.
On second thought, we have gone in and re-uploaded version files both here on itch and on our Patreon links. The new version fixes the save button bug and also adds remastered versions of all the SFX and ambience tracks in the game (audio level balancing and quality improvements).
I love the game so far. I am in a bit of a pickle with finances right now, but hopefully, I can sort it out with my debt in the next year and a half. After that, If your still in production, I'll happily support you via Patron. I just played through what you have so far, and I have no current complaints. Keep up the awesome work.
Hey, are you using the pause menu to reach it (diamond shape with 3 lines on top right corner) or the bookmark-looking icon on the quick actions bar right above the text box? If you don't use the pause menu, then that might be the issue. After looking through the saving framework code, we found a bug which would replicate the behaviour that you are describing. This should be fixed with the next update, but until then, please try to use the game's pause menu to save and load.
I kinda have an issue with the latest build. i open the game and it is not the full size screen. a lot of the screen is cut off on my pc so i am unable to maximize the window
After my third playthrough, I'm... really not convinced. This feels like two games -- a linear VN, and a nonlinear dating game during "free time." There is no connection between the two. None. Whatsoever. Perhaps if there were actually something to tie the two things together, I'd be more interested, but right now this feels like what would have been a fairly solid linear VN had you not attempted to smash a haphazard dating sim into it.
Hey there! We tested the build on our Android devices but didn't manage to replicate your issue. Could you tell us the story dialogue line where you saved, and whether you are running it on an older Android version/device?
After further testing, we seem to have found the issue, although we're not entirely sure about what causes it. The saving framework was not modified for a while, and it worked just fine before this version. The only thing we did that might affect it is we switched this version to the "release" build mode. Previous ones were debug builds.
Perhaps there is an issue with the release build keys required to sign the application for Android. We will look into it further, but for now we're uploading the debug version. Please re-download the app and tell us whether this fixed it for you.
No matter what I do I get stuck at the "Eventually, the prisoner drops to the floor and sobs." line. I'm guessing it's where the current build stop? Just making sure it's not some weird glitch.
Not yet, currently we only have one CG and that's during Garreth's first date segment, however a lot more CGs are planned for both currently available and future scenes. We're also considering bulk commissioning them in the future as time allows on our CG artist. Meanwhile we're building up savings that will help us with that.
Cedrik does not currently have dating content implemented in the public build, although we will add some of his dating content in the next build. As for explicit erotic scenes, currently there's the day 1 Nyrok shower jerk-off, Garreth's first date scene and a shorter scene with Mindalu which you can get on day 4 as an alternative path/ending.
eeeeeeeeeeeee the game with the shard them looks so amazing and im practically fangirling over the new tittle screen !!! i hope everyone is loveing it as much as i am ahhh i cant stop smiling !!!
If you mean v0.3, we explained the changes in detail in this release post. If you mean the hotfix patch we added a couple days ago, it fixes an issue with the audio framework that would crash the game either on startup or when starting a new game, as well as a couple minor dialogue fixes that we discovered after the initial release files were posted.
so I playing this game on phone and it's working right but there is a point where the game is getting stuck, it's after when you investigated "Ulu's" room and go to sleep, and in this section the story tells about a prisoner however when the game reach "the prisoner sit down and started to sob" (if I'm right), the game isn't froze but it's doesn't let me to go to the next page (please help)
wen i try to download the game it just says app not instaled and i tried like 5 times and it still didnt work but with old versions it worked and whit the versions on patreon i instaled the game and wen i play it, it closes after 5 second .could you do somenthing about it?
Hey there! If you still have problems installing the app to your phone, the issue often occurs when you have insufficient storage space to install the new app. Try uninstalling the past version(s) of the game from your phone and then try again to install the new version. Also, can you tell me the Android version of your phone? Edit: We have reuploaded versions for both windows and android with a small patch which addresses a memory bug that was causing the game to crash on launch or when clicking new game on other operating systems. Perhaps the new files will work for you too?
The playable content we have so far ends at the prisoner line. Granted, for the next versions, we should make this more clear to players, but for now it will be added to the list of notes in the release post.
It's not just a line it's anywhere I save at some random place go forward and I press load and it just still where I was never going back had multiple saves none of the load back except the most recent one
Hmm, that seems to be a bug indeed. It seems that when you press the load button it defaults to the very first save in the list. You can get around it for now by double tapping the save slot instead. In fact, I would recommend that as the preferred way to load the game simply because it's easier than pressing the buttons on mobile.
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Well, it’s still slow, but may I ask something?, does this game have a system requirement that is needed?
For windows PCs you need at least windows 7. The game itself shouldn't be demanding on system resources, in task manager it takes around 100 MB of DRAM, around 40 MB for VRAM and around 1-2% of CPU utilization on my Ryzen 7 (although when viewing the main menu animation it will use more CPU resources as the video format decoding is done by the CPU). Essentially it really shouldn't be an issue to run it if you have a PC that runs at least win7. It's why I don't believe the problem you are experiencing is tied to the game directly.
Ah okay thanks, ;)
May I ask a question?, when I downloaded the game and played it, it was normal but when I closed my pc and start my pc again, it starts really-really slow, like it takes 20 mins for my chrome to be open, i download it on my laptop and tested it out and the same thing happen, anyone knows how to fix this?, I’m currently using my phone to type this
and when chrome did open, the page becomes unresponsive and it tooks about 10 mins to fully load which never happens before I downloaded this
That's really bizzare, and it's highly unlikely to be caused directly by the game or the engine itself. If this happens *after* you close the game or after you reboot your PC then there shouldn't be any Godot/Identity related process going on in the background anymore. You're also the first one to report this issue in almost half a year since we switched to Godot. So I'm not sure how I could help. Perhaps it could be related to something else entirely, like an outdated driver on your end.
Thank you for the information, I’ll try to do somethings to find out the issue
Update, I deleted it and restart my pc, and it’s still slow but not as slow as before
Edit: Nvm,its still very slow
Will Nyrok's appearance alter to be more bara in the next update?
Nyrok is and will remain a twinky lizard :P The side image sprites of Nyrok that we showed in the latest Patreon post may look a bit thicker, but that's likely a consequence of the perspective being closer and Folsky's art style.
Okay, sweet! Thank you for the reply! ^^
Was pretty hyped to try this game out, until it didn't work, starts up to the menu like normal and when I tried to start a new game, just shuts down. I tried running as administrator as previously stated in the changelog, but it's whatever the main menu was great enough for me.
Which platform are you using, and which version of the game? Note that v0.3.0.1 is the latest which fixes a lot of problems such as crashes like what you described, so make sure you're using the latest files.
Windows, it originally started crashing after starting a game an quitting out of it cause I accidentally skipped some dialogue. I tried uninstalling which didn't help and restarting my pc.
Hmm... that's an interesting issue, I (Rriik) have never run across it, but if it persists even after deleting and redownloading all the files it likely means it's related to the persistent data (saves, config files and the persistent dialogue history used for skipping). If you can open the game and look at the options menu, there should be a button to "Browse user data" which will open up the persistent directory. Try deleting the persistent.json file and restart the game, and let me know if it fixes the issue. (The folder location should be under "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Identity Visual Novel" in case you can't open it through the game).
Doesn't allow me to click it at all, might be just my trash pc.
Can you find the folder manually then? Note that the AppData folder is hidden by default in Windows, so you'll have to enable the "show hidden items" option under your file explorer settings.
has there been a decide date for the next update, because it's been a while and i'm building up so much anticipitation to play more of this heavenly delight, it's such a well put together game and i shouldn;t forget to mention that it's very unique in it's very own delightful way, keep up the good work and i hope i'll get back to you soon.
A new version will most likely be released in August.
hmph, so quite the while then. I hope you will make it worth the time, thats all for now though so thanks, much appreciated.
I was really in to the story when suddenly it took me back to the main screen. I was getting upset because it ends there. I will definitely support you because I want a scene with brym ;-;
There's going to be way more content when this game is done than what is currently playable, so don't worry too much about it ^^ It's just a matter of time.
Hey! Yeah, the story currently ends after the investigation scene in Mindalu's apartment, and the game reverts to the main menu.
There's going to be way more content to come, it's just a matter of time!
okay.. i haven't played the new build
but i thought there are some blue dragon character? gerald,, i think, is his name
is there a route involving him, or did you delete his character (since he's not on the screenshot anymore, idk haven't download 0.3 yet)
Hey there! Garreth's route does exist, although we will rewrite most of his content and the way dating works in general, as we have previously detailed in our recent Patreon post ( The pictures we use for when announcing a new release are simply screenshots (usually from new content added with said releases) and not featuring a character does not mean we deleted them, so don't worry about that.
Hello, i have a question for dev. Will there be corvolin route? And is it a he or a she?? I've played the vn and i love it.
Keep it up!
Hey there, glad you like Identity! As for Corvolin, we are actually still in debate on whether to make him a love interest or just a plot-relevant character. Also, although we refer to him as male, he's a spirit and only manifests in his form through Yarin's eyes, and his voice sounds like what a male and female voice would sound like put together.
But yes, our writers have been in frequent meetings during our hiatus and discussed the way forward for the game's story and characters. We want to make sure everything going forward is planned thoroughly.
I see, i asked about him because in the vn there are no big and plump guy as love interest so i'm really wondering about that.
Thank you for answering me.
Have a nice day!
I have a question for any dev right now. I have been playing many story options and many have a line through the characters and say not available. When will they be available and if so how do I update? Amazing game 10/10 great story with a lot of heart
Hey there, we're glad to hear that you loved what we have so far! Regarding the character dating options, we are currently undergoing a writing shift (explained in depth in this post We will be changing how we go about the free time segments and reducing the cast of characters so that we can better focus on the characters people like most. We'll also be adjusting the dating menus to be more expressive and cut out the long list of crossed out options, showing only those that can be seen.
As for updating, we have paused our patreon for a few months as explained in that post, using the time to plan ahead and decide what to change in the game. When we have a new build ready, we will make an announcement about it.
Thanks for letting me know! I believe that a studio like yours are the ones who should be praised for their work! I absolutely loved the story and characters in game they are extremely amazing! Your studio did better on a story than many others could ever do. Amazing job and can't wait to see the game progress in the future!
is the update monthly? :3
Hey there, updates for our game usually happen once every two months, however we have been on hiatus for a few months due to a change of writers which we have talked about in full on this post: The last major Identity update was released around mid-April (version 0.3), and a patch came a month after that (version in mid-May) which brought a lot of bug fixes and stability/QoL improvements.
thanks ur hard work is appreciated, quite sad how long the next update will be :< (it's rly goood!!) take as much time as u want and also thank u so much for posting this for free in
I've played the Android version and wow, this game is amazing!
The characters and their story, the graphics and jokes, everything is amazing.
Keep the good work!
Where can i put this game on Fullscreen?
If you look in the controls menu, fullscreen can be toggled with the F or F11 keys. You can also toggle it from the options menu in the display settings.
Thank you :)
This is one of the best game I've played so far on, and I'm impatient for the next update. The end got me confused tho, but I might now who that prisoner is and was.
Also I don't really remember what happens after choosing too much answers with crosses, can someone please tell me?
Hey there! We still have a lot of story left to tell with Identity, as well as many improvements to make (a lot more audio, a better dating experience, more expressions to all the sprites, etc.), so that's by no means the end :P
As for choices with crosses, they will eventually look better than they do now, but the idea is they usually point to scenes that have alt content and serve as a bit of a heads up in that regard.
"heads up in that regard"
I don't understand that, I'm french and I still learn nowadays (started learning english in video games when I was around 5), so maybe you can give me an example?
What happens with the choice with crosses with Ulu in her apartement? I really want to choose that but I'm scared of what might happen after.
That scene basically has Nyrok trick Mindalu into thinking he's her husband and he lets himself gets captured if you keep pursuing it, leading to an alternative ending of the game.
Oh I see, I'll definitely try that, but can you load a save after choosing too much choices with crosses? I remember seeing something saying you can't go back.
Also there's that one character that you can meet (I don't remember their name) and she tells you to call her during the night but I don't know any way to get to night time to meet her again, can you tell me how?
(sorry for late response)
Game saves are not tied to the choice system, you can load earlier saves just like in any game. And you can't meet her because her dates are not yet implemented. We are going to rework the majority of the dating content in the game, and Camila will be removed from the game as we are trying to reduce the size of the cast and focus on the characters that matter most, so her dates will be removed. You can read more on that on our latest Patreon (public) posts.
I gotta say when I first downloaded this game I thought it was just another dating game but holy shit was I wrong. This is by far the best game I've played since tavern of spear(Another super good game) and I'm in love with all the characters especially brymor.(I got a personal connection with the big dude) I Indefinitely will help as much as I can funding this project because I believe it can go a long ways....CANT WAIT TILL THE NEXT UPDATE!!!!!
Idk what to say. Garreth's offer infuriated me. I instantly regretted going with him. It would be nice to add an option that would reflect how insulted I was by his offer. That just ruined the mood.
We will be rewriting Garreth's dates as well as making other changes to the story. More details later today on Patreon.
So for now...the only NSFW scene is Garret dick sucking scene right?
It's the only scene with a CG for now yes. There are other less prominent sex scenes but they don't have CGs.
hay nice work on the game like the others i can't wait for the update to come next, i love the characters and the fact you the player have the choice over everything even if things go really badly but to be honest i hope that the character you play as doesn't change who he is now, be awesome to chose that as you FINAL choice become the prick you once was or keep how you are now and become the clean slate... with a thing for dragons i guess XD (though i can't talk i have a thing for dragons too) but even if that's not the end ill still love it it's just..... WOW for all i can say...
Hello, I played through the game a few times and I think it's a great game. I just can't wait for Draxima's story line and the end with Kovle to be added. But for me, this game is a 5/5 stars, great work!
(Edit) And what I mean by Kovle end is when the option for Kovle appears before sleep
Whenever I make a new save file, the visual novel just crashes. Once I open up the application again, the save file is there, but it says it's corrupted and I can't open it. I hope this glitch gets fixed soon.
There are two ways to save the game. One is using the button above the textbox, the other is through the escape (pause) menu. The button above the textbox is glitched in this version, we already fixed the issue and it will go public with the next release. Until then, please save and load using the ESC menu.
On second thought, we have gone in and re-uploaded version files both here on itch and on our Patreon links. The new version fixes the save button bug and also adds remastered versions of all the SFX and ambience tracks in the game (audio level balancing and quality improvements).
I love the game so far. I am in a bit of a pickle with finances right now, but hopefully, I can sort it out with my debt in the next year and a half. After that, If your still in production, I'll happily support you via Patron. I just played through what you have so far, and I have no current complaints. Keep up the awesome work.
Hmm. I hawent played long, but wanted to save.
But my save comes up as:
Save time: NaN #__CORRUPTED_SAVE__#
Play time: NaN
Filename: save_11-52020_23-11-40_706.json
And it is not posible to Load.
If I use Esc to save it seems to work, but using the save logo on top of dialog it gets a error.
Hey, are you using the pause menu to reach it (diamond shape with 3 lines on top right corner) or the bookmark-looking icon on the quick actions bar right above the text box? If you don't use the pause menu, then that might be the issue. After looking through the saving framework code, we found a bug which would replicate the behaviour that you are describing. This should be fixed with the next update, but until then, please try to use the game's pause menu to save and load.
I used the quick actions bar right above the text box.
Thank's for quick replay.
I kinda have an issue with the latest build. i open the game and it is not the full size screen. a lot of the screen is cut off on my pc so i am unable to maximize the window
Try pressing the F11 key. It will make the game fullscreen and remember that setting.
i shall try that
After my third playthrough, I'm... really not convinced. This feels like two games -- a linear VN, and a nonlinear dating game during "free time." There is no connection between the two. None. Whatsoever. Perhaps if there were actually something to tie the two things together, I'd be more interested, but right now this feels like what would have been a fairly solid linear VN had you not attempted to smash a haphazard dating sim into it.
Hey there! We tested the build on our Android devices but didn't manage to replicate your issue. Could you tell us the story dialogue line where you saved, and whether you are running it on an older Android version/device?
So did I and when I tried to load the save file afterwards, it wouldn't load the save file, but the delete seems to work fine.
After further testing, we seem to have found the issue, although we're not entirely sure about what causes it. The saving framework was not modified for a while, and it worked just fine before this version. The only thing we did that might affect it is we switched this version to the "release" build mode. Previous ones were debug builds.
Perhaps there is an issue with the release build keys required to sign the application for Android. We will look into it further, but for now we're uploading the debug version. Please re-download the app and tell us whether this fixed it for you.
I have the same issue on Android 9
Try to download and install the android version again. We have updated the files (see comment above).
No matter what I do I get stuck at the "Eventually, the prisoner drops to the floor and sobs." line. I'm guessing it's where the current build stop?
Just making sure it's not some weird glitch.
Hey, yes, it's where the current content stops. Next version will have a return-to-main-menu event implemented at the end of the content.
Thank you!
You all are doing an awesome job btw! I can't wait to try out the next version when it comes out!
is there a cg with brymror?
Not yet, currently we only have one CG and that's during Garreth's first date segment, however a lot more CGs are planned for both currently available and future scenes. We're also considering bulk commissioning them in the future as time allows on our CG artist. Meanwhile we're building up savings that will help us with that.
oh... that's fine 👌 take your time guy's and the story is really interesting.! goodluck for the future updates! thanks
How many erotic scenes (that dont have cg) are available in the public build right now? More specifically, is there one with Cedrik?
Cedrik does not currently have dating content implemented in the public build, although we will add some of his dating content in the next build. As for explicit erotic scenes, currently there's the day 1 Nyrok shower jerk-off, Garreth's first date scene and a shorter scene with Mindalu which you can get on day 4 as an alternative path/ending.
I see, thank you!
eeeeeeeeeeeee the game with the shard them looks so amazing and im practically fangirling over the new tittle screen !!! i hope everyone is loveing it as much as i am ahhh i cant stop smiling !!!
Awww I love Brym so much omg! 1st is Brym 2nd is Garreth
I really really love Brym, I hope Yarin ends up in a relationship with him
What exactly has just been added to the latest version of the game, i can't seem to find it in the patch notes ?
If you mean v0.3, we explained the changes in detail in this release post. If you mean the hotfix patch we added a couple days ago, it fixes an issue with the audio framework that would crash the game either on startup or when starting a new game, as well as a couple minor dialogue fixes that we discovered after the initial release files were posted.
so I playing this game on phone and it's working right but there is a point where the game is getting stuck, it's after when you investigated "Ulu's" room and go to sleep, and in this section the story tells about a prisoner however when the game reach "the prisoner sit down and started to sob" (if I'm right), the game isn't froze but it's doesn't let me to go to the next page (please help)
That's where the game ends in this current version. We did not provide an explicit prompt for the user but we mentioned it in the patch notes.
oh that's makes sense, thank you. (I forget to read the patch note so...)
wen i try to download the game it just says app not instaled and i tried like 5 times and it still didnt work but with old versions it worked and whit the versions on patreon i instaled the game and wen i play it, it closes after 5 second .could you do somenthing about it?
(Im using android version)
Hey there! If you still have problems installing the app to your phone, the issue often occurs when you have insufficient storage space to install the new app. Try uninstalling the past version(s) of the game from your phone and then try again to install the new version. Also, can you tell me the Android version of your phone? Edit: We have reuploaded versions for both windows and android with a small patch which addresses a memory bug that was causing the game to crash on launch or when clicking new game on other operating systems. Perhaps the new files will work for you too?
The linux version gets to the main menu and crashes. I've run it a few times and the terminal output is either
Godot Engine v3.2.1.stable.official -
OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Radeon RX 570 Series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.36.0, 5.6.5-zen3-1-zen, LLVM 10.0.0)
ERROR: get: FATAL: Index p_index = 0 is out of bounds (size() = 0).
At: ./core/cowdata.h:152.
zsh: illegal hardware instruction (core dumped) ./Identity-0.3-linux.x86_64
Godot Engine v3.2.1.stable.official -
OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Radeon RX 570 Series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.36.0, 5.6.5-zen3-1-zen, LLVM 10.0.0)
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) ./Identity-0.3-linux.x86_64
I am using the zen kernel and zsh but I doubt those would be the issues
I can click on new game and the start appears but it crashes after that. It seems to be time based but idk.
I think we now know what the error is, since a similar bug was reported for the mac build. I will update the linux build in a bit and let you know.
Uploaded. Let us know if that fixed the issue for you.
It works now; cheers m80
I open it and it closes...
Yeah I'm using the Mac version...
Hey again, we have found the issue and updated the downloadable files. Can you try again and see if it works for you now?
It seems that it's working now, shall tell you if anything else changes, once more thank you ^w^
Uhhhhh, is my game glitched or something? because i can't get past the line "Eventually, the prisoner falls to the floor and sobs"
The playable content we have so far ends at the prisoner line. Granted, for the next versions, we should make this more clear to players, but for now it will be added to the list of notes in the release post.
Oh, ok, well thank you very much none the less, looking forward for the next update aswell, keep up the great work :).
Android version bugged when trying to load a save it just puts you back to where you were before not to where your loading too
Could you tell us the line where you saved your game?
It's not just a line it's anywhere I save at some random place go forward and I press load and it just still where I was never going back had multiple saves none of the load back except the most recent one
Hmm, that seems to be a bug indeed. It seems that when you press the load button it defaults to the very first save in the list. You can get around it for now by double tapping the save slot instead. In fact, I would recommend that as the preferred way to load the game simply because it's easier than pressing the buttons on mobile.
Something to note, it does when saving the game too, causing it to create another save fule. but double tapping it will also work.
spoiler alert
is there more than just one nsfw scene ? i'm trying everything and its only the first date with garreth
btw the art is incredible and the story is relly good
Currently that is the only nsfw scene in the game. More will come in the future however.