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Uhm...I have some questions about the game...before that though, I will say that I really like the quality of life changes a lot. Its visuals are a lot better this time around. I really like the new sprites for the characters as well. My first questions is, are the route's progress at all? I feel like every time I play it ends the same way, nothing changes in between scenes, and nothing happens. The last time I played this, I did all the Brymror options possible except for the jerk off shower scene (not sure if that changes anything though). I did all of his dates, and I got to see the new content at the end, but is that it? I'm not sure if I'm missing anything because the game kind of feels rushed and extremely quick paced. Also do different routes change what happens? I wanna do Kovle's route, but if nothing significant changes, then I feel like I would be wasting my time. Also like after the last date, ALL SOUNDS just disappear. There's no music, no sounds effects, nothing. Just silence.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey there, and thank you for giving us feedback! Relating to the route progression, Identity plays differently from other furry visual novels in the sense that the main story at least currently is not heavily affected by the dating choices you make. The content structure is similar to a string of pearls, where every pearl represents a free time opportunity to date someone and the string itself is the main plot. There are small changes and alternations depending on some of the choices you make during dating, but you will not see fully dedicated story routes for each character going forward (although romance will play into moments in the game's plot, particuarly during the later chapters and ending).

Kovle's route will give you his dating content during free time segments each day, but the overall plot of the 5 days currently available will not change save for a few interactions sprinkled throughout that depend on choices you make throughout his dating or just advancing through his dating content. 

 As for audio, we're currently working on implementing sounds and music throughout the entire game. We started this very late and our composer joined a year and a half ago, but we're just now starting to fill out audio content into the game itself after having produced dozens of OST tracks, custom ambiences and sfx. We expect that by mid year the entire game will support full audio.


I see now...that makes a lot more sense now. I thought it was like a major game changer thing, but your explanation helped a lot. Glad to know that there’s a lot of thought going into this game😁

it got something? (because it's currently saying 6 hour)

a little bug fix or idk ?

Yes, a user reported a few bugs and we fixed them and re-uploaded all the builds. We didn't deem it necessary to make a new release for it though, hence keeping the same version.


This game in my experience was really pleasing. I enjoyed tones out of it. . I really enjoy the characters and their personalities.  Can't what to see what is in store in the future.


But to be honest it was a real big surprise that right of the bat with Garreth's first hangout that things would get so intimate, which made me think (maybe you guys are already planning to do so and I am terrible at following progress) maybe there will be more options for Yarin regarding his past, like options to go back to the shitty guy he was before like Brym tells us, or be a different person. Better person, because Yarin is to me just to okay with the fact Gerreth just out right said give me a BJ. I know you have the option to reject, but even then Yarin is still just okay with it, I would have thought seeing he lost his memories that he would react differently seeing that he can't recall how he was before. Just food for thought no ill intent I still really enjoy the interaction 

Other than that I still know that the game is still under developement and I can't wait for the rest. Just wish I could support you guys, but I am flat broke.

PS. It still would be cool to se a system where you can choose to be more like your past self or be someone totally different.

Much love and good luck with the project.

PPS. Forgive if my grammar and spelling sucks, I am a terrible writter.

Hey there! We're glad to see more people being so enthusiastic about our game, and we thank you for your kind words! While we don't want to spoil anything, it's worth noting that Garreth's dates have been rewritten in a previous update to fit with our current vision and direction for Identity. And indeed the game is still early in development, we're estimating the story to be only about 20% written at this moment, so there's a lot of content still to come!


I do find little continuity errors kind of annoying. Like when the lead is suppose to be checking him self out in the mirror in the nude but he's fully clothed I think images should match more with what is described going on.


We apologize for the inconvenience. We are striving to have as few discrepancies between our story and art as we can. This should be visible in the detail we put into background art variations. However, our sprites so far in the game are mostly using their default expressions. We're actively working to draw out and add more variety in expressions, as we discussed in our 2020 retrospective post. Day 2 (which is when Yarin checks himself in the mirror) will receive its own set of edits both in story and the sprite artwork we're using with the following updates. 


I was a little hesitant to play this game at first but now that I've tried it I can confidently say that it is a VN with a massive amount of potential.  Though I have a few questions mainly is Drax's character going to be explored/datable?

(1 edit)

Hey there, and we're glad you found it enjoyable! Yes, Draxima will be dateable, we just haven't written content for him yet. We hope to do so during this year.

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The game seems to crash whenever I pick the "commit to the door" option and later get to the Kovle reception scene. I'm on Windows 10 64 bit.


Could you maybe give us more details? We couldn't replicate the crash on our end by following that path.

i know im late to the party but i hope you managed to sort that out.
if not that getting a hold of the log would be most helpful in diagnosing the problem.
i'm no programmer but i have a pretty keen eye for solving problems of a bit of a technical nature to them like this.

something is going on i guess . did you remove linux support or something?

it still says there is a linux download but when i click on it, it just provides windows and mac installations. *shrugs* 
update also does the same.

download works on standard web browser though . huh strange.

i've manually installed the update but it still thinks it need to update *shrugs*

How many characters have fleshed out dating? I've only been able to get the one scene with Garreth.

Currently, Garreth has 2 free time segments implemented, Kovle has 3, Brymror has 3 and Cedrik has 1. The only (proper) sex scenes currently in the game are those during both of Garreth's dating segments (second one not having illustrations just yet, although we have commissioned them from Lumix already), and a secret bad ending that you can access if you are really into Mindalu and let yourself get captured by her during day 4 after persuading her not to fight you.

We are absolutely going to add more dating content over the coming year as well as advancing the game's story. We expect each character to have at least one sex scene after a good bit of character development and romance, though this number may vary per character. The game's content currently is roughly about 20% written out, so yeah plenty more to go.


I don't know if anyone else has noticed it yet, but on the Android version, I keep pressing the screen to advance the text but there's always a delay and sometimes doesn't do it at all. The only way I can advance the text normally without problems is the auto play feature.

(1 edit)

There may sometimes be a delay due to how needed assets are being loaded in progressively with each time you move on to a new text block. Most noticeably, when returning to the main menu, you will have a few seconds of lag because of asset loading, which we haven't optimized yet.

So, depending on the hardware, you might sometimes see slight lags in terms of progressing. Sometimes it may also be intentional, say during scene transitions where usually half-second pauses are added to reveal things more gradually and not add the textbox right as the transitions stop. Tapping the screen during a transition should skip it.

As far as not progressing at all sometimes, we tried reproducing this on our end, but it seems like the text only doesn't progress when pressing the screen and slightly dragging the thumb across instead of clean pressing. AKA it only progresses when it detects a solid touch press and not an undecided press or a touch motion. This might be the problem you're reporting.

With v0.3.2, we have changed the internal workings of the game's input handling quite a lot, and will continue to refine it in the next versions taking your feedback into account.

heyya, I played this VN before this update release, about 8 months ago, and now is good tho :D

Also, how to get bad ending of Mindalu? Because I read in changelog that alt. ending :0

ah and the music is good~♫

Hey there! We're glad you like it! To get to the mindalu bad ending, you have to express interest towards mindalu during day 2, then try to persuade her during day 4 instead of fighting her. If you give in and let her have her way, it will unlock this special ending scene.

Thanks :D

Even it's scary part but woah

Again, thanks~

Deleted 147 days ago

Yeah, that's not supposed to happen. We'll look into it shortly! Thank you for pointing it out.

Hey this is just a nitpick, but a delay of some sort after just clicking 'new game' would be nice. As of now its just slaps you in the face with a textbox.

This is true, and we do want to eventually make all the menus and interfaces fade in and out as well instead of just bluntly switching between each other. The start of the game will be a long fade most likely. It is important to remember one thing though (which is also highlighted on the splash screen): this is an early in development game with an early in development framework, so some issues and inconsistencies are bound to happen for now.

(1 edit)

Will I have to start over from the beginning for every update? I'm on PC.

Not for every update, but this update rewrote a lot of things in the backend which made previous save files useless. We will be refactoring our code a lot over the next year, so you might see have this happen again although we will try to minimize the times when it does. Although you can also skip through the text by using the skipping options under Text settings.


I love the characters, the story, the setting, and everything so far about this visual novel. Honestly, this is one of the best horror visual novels I've read in my time, but I do have one small problem and maybe this is just nit-picking; I feel like the game lacks music in a lot of scenarios. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but I do like the idea of having some music that fits the scenario, or at least ambient noise. Granted, there are a few sections where music plays while reading dialogue, but I feel like it lacks a soundtrack or ambient noise in most cases. And so I was wondering, are there any future plans to update the visual novel to add more music? I would really love to hear about it, since I think it would be a great addition.

On the subject of music, the title screen and its music is hella good!

One of the main focuses of this update content wise was to add music to cover the story. For now only the first 3 days are covered. Days 4 and 5 are not, and neither are the dating bits. We are absolutely going to add music over everything. If you check the newly added music room you will see there are already over 20 tracks that we made for the game. So yes, this is now a priority to us and we hope to be covering the entire story with audio within the next few months.

(5 edits) (-1)

During your third hang-out with Kovle, the receptionist's sprite persists on-screen even after you finish your dialogue with him and are supposed to talk to Kovle next. I think this isn't supposed to happen because the receptionist isn't involved in any way that requires his sprite to stay on-screen during you and Kovle's conversation, right? (Except when he was called by the MC to pop up behind the counter, but that certainly doesn't count since it was just a dialogue thing, and even so, his sprite shouldn't have been placed in that spot)

Oh and the game randomly crashes right after saving, but I don't really know what is causing this.

The sprite bug has been addressed in our development builds for some time now. It should be fixed in a few days when the new version is coming out. The saving bug though, that's more interesting.
Does it happen every time you save, or just sometimes? Can you describe the steps you're taking when it happens, and maybe where you are in the story when that happens?

It only happens sometimes, I just right click, open up the menu, overwrite the old save with a new one, and then the game crashes. I don't remember where I was in the story unfortunately, because I frequently save.


Brymror is best boy and I need more of him.


When will this be updated?


We are working on an update right now! Hoping to release it by the end of the year.


When I tried doing Cedrik after the first time it said invalid entry or such. I also am wondering if it has a lot more planned. It's honestly a super awesome game. When I have the funds to I'll gladly support! But I was thinking it could be great if there was animations for the scenes. Am curious about Lucra too. But the lore, the story, and the plot as well as characters are amazing. I hope drax gets more scenes or at least to let you to maybe date him! But it's a great novel. It reminds me of the game the room and those mystery things. It's awesome!

Hey there! We're glad you liked it so much! The game is still in early stages, currently we estimate it's about 20% done overall, and yeah a lot of the character interactions and plot have not been added yet. We have them planned ahead though, and hopefully throughout 2021 we will vastly grow the amount of content in the game! We'll also be adding full audio and a lot more sprite expressions soon!

I look greatly forward. Try Kovle or drax as the next characters to get scenes x3. I think kovle has a cute deamonor. But lucra is also interesting! But that story really captivated me. I've always been into sci fi and such. But this is one of the few games I say are my favorite of all time. Amorous, Identity, And a few more games are the best things I've found including regular video games. It adds a mysterious touch to it while also being realistic. It truly got me excited in a good way. I love exploring different paths too. I spent a whole night playing through its choices. I got 4 or 5 hours of sleep as a result but totally worth it!

Is cedrik,kovle,and garreth gonna have a route?(in other words,are they dateable? AND I LOVE THIS GAME SO FUCKING MUCH)


They are dateable yes, in fact the first segments of their routes are available to play through right now if you choose to spend time with them during each day.

i see, but some have only one day

Yeah, this is what we hope to enrich throughout 2021. We've planned most of the game by now and now only need to put our thoughts down into the story.

Howabout the,ya know,what if theres somekind of thing that will stop ya guys from your plans?or ya know,somethings like failures,do ya guys have betas too? To help with those failures or bugs


There are copies saved of all our code and game assets so there is no chance of losing everything. It's been a long progress of planning and learning for all of us, but 2021 looks incredibly promising for a more fleshed out game. As for bugs, we'll fix them along the way, we won't release a buggy game after all these years haha.

We know waiting is hard, but it's worth noting that this is not a full time job for any of us. Everything we do is basically on the side of our current jobs and lives.

Will Brym be dateable? 🤞🏻


Brym will be dateable yes. He's one of our earliest characters with a very deep and well-planned integration in the story and his content has been very well received by everyone, so don't worry about that.

(2 edits) (+2)

Oh God, I swear to you that you just made my day! I've been wishing for a route for him since the very first build hehehe. By the way kinda late to say this but I'm super happy you are back

Is there a mega link for android?

You can download the android version right here through itch, but yeah on our Patreon post we offer mirrors to GDrive, MEGA and MediaFire. They're at the bottom of the post:

Whenever I launch the game the play screen stays stuck to the right side of my monitor's screen, it makes it hard to play and very difficult to read the dialogue.  Is this happening for anyone else?

Hey! Do you mean that the game window is out of the bounds of your monitor screen? if so, you can try pressing F (or F11) to make the game full screen. It starts in windowed mode by default.


I'll try that, thanks for the response I really appreciate it :)

I was doing Brymor route but it ended with a dream. Did i do something wrong?


No, that's where the current demo ends. We understand it's a bit abrupt and will change that to a to be continued prompt in the future.


that was so good, cant wait to see where it goes, i just wish furry story games would include 1 or 2 girls for straight players,  


Hey there, sorry for the late reply as I was away, we do actually have a female straight romance route, or rather, are planning to because she currently doesn't have any dating content in. But yes, Lucra (the female duskin bat) will be romanceable!

(1 edit) (+1)

oh shiiiiit i cant wait. thats realy cool, most of the similar games on here are.. pretty much for the LGBTQ  or at least thats all you see at first glance. not that its a big problem ..just wanna have the option 


gotta say i am blown away by the new title screen it's been almost a year since i last tried identity and so far i am very impressed


I Can't wait for the next update 

I played this game four times just to make sure i finished the beta 

It was so good i though theres going to be a plot where you Gone with Ulu but you died ahaahaha


I like it, especially the character Brymror, very soft on the inside<3 and then after him the dragon detective. I'm especially happy that aside from the nsfw content there's also a plot. Anwyays I reached the end where its darkness and in prison(dream?) So I guess that's it for the demo? Is there a continuation, something(date)? Good job!

(3 edits) (+3)

We're glad you liked it ^^ That's where the demo ends right now, but rest assured there's much more to come! The game is only about 20% done right now in terms of content! And we've been refactoring/enhancing a lot of things internally in the past half a year (full audio implementation, more sprite and side image expressions, a better story flow with a better dating structure/implementation, cutting some characters (like Tish and Berac, who weren't well thought-out), and way more under the hood improvements). These should enable us to deliver bigger, higher quality and more frequent updates in 2021 and beyond.


Hi i just download it and when im on the dream thingy were there is like a prisoner it just go back to the title screen, does that mean the demo is done? 


Yep. Though we reckon it's a bit abrupt and will change that to show a to be continued prompt in the future.


Ok thank you, its an awesome VN i really like it


Awesome job! I'd really like to see a Draxima story line.


Im very interested in Brymror and Garreth

live this so far great work i just have 1 question can you give a date from what days updates come out or is it to early to ask

Hey there, we don't have a set schedule for our updates, but usually we post a new version once every couple months. The next version might be patron only for a while though, given we've been making free versions since we moved to the new engine back in April.

Brando night scene coming soon I guess :3 


The part where he asks Nyrok about it was actually in the game files for quite a long while, likely over a year by now. It was just unreachable because it checked to see whether Cedrik apologized to you or not. But since we hadn't implemented his first dating content up until now, there was no way for him to apologize before that scene :P


I still following this project because it's pretty amazing :)

I hope you guys manage to fix up everything and continue this amazing game, and sooner or later will you guys release a new update.

until that I "can't" wait for the next update :D

Good News And Bad News. Good news, I managed to speed up my PC by deleting some of my files and other games. Bad news, my PC will forever be slow like this unless i reset everything on my PC 

Well, it’s still slow, but may I ask something?, does this game have a system requirement that is needed?

(1 edit)

For windows PCs you need at least windows 7. The game itself shouldn't be demanding on system resources, in task manager it takes around 100 MB of DRAM, around 40 MB for VRAM and around 1-2% of CPU utilization on my Ryzen 7 (although when viewing the main menu animation it will use more CPU resources as the video format decoding is done by the CPU). Essentially it really shouldn't be an issue to run it if you have a PC that runs at least win7. It's why I don't believe the problem you are experiencing is tied to the game directly.

Ah okay thanks, ;)

May I ask a question?, when I downloaded the game and played it, it was normal but when I closed my pc and start my pc again, it starts really-really slow, like it takes 20 mins for my chrome to be open, i download it on my laptop and tested it out and the same thing happen, anyone knows how to fix this?, I’m currently using my phone to type this 

and when chrome did open, the page becomes unresponsive and it tooks about 10 mins to fully load which never happens before I downloaded this

That's really bizzare, and it's highly unlikely to be caused directly by the game or the engine itself. If this happens *after* you close the game or after you reboot your PC then there shouldn't be any Godot/Identity related process going on in the background anymore. You're also the first one to report this issue in almost half a year since we switched to Godot. So I'm not sure how I could help. Perhaps it could be related to something else entirely, like an outdated driver on your end.

Thank you for the information, I’ll try to do somethings to find out the issue

(1 edit)

Update, I deleted it and restart my pc, and it’s still slow but not as slow as before

Edit: Nvm,its still very slow

(1 edit)

Will Nyrok's appearance alter to be more bara in the next update?


Nyrok is and will remain a twinky lizard :P The side image sprites of Nyrok that we showed in the latest Patreon post may look a bit thicker, but that's likely a consequence of the perspective being closer and Folsky's art style.

Okay, sweet! Thank you for the reply! ^^

Was pretty hyped to try this game out, until it didn't work, starts up to the menu like normal and when I tried to start a new game, just shuts down. I tried running as administrator as previously stated in the changelog, but it's whatever the main menu was great enough for me.

Which platform are you using, and which version of the game? Note that v0.3.0.1 is the latest which fixes a lot of problems such as crashes like what you described, so make sure you're using the latest files.

Windows, it originally started crashing  after starting a game an quitting out of it cause I accidentally skipped some dialogue. I tried uninstalling which didn't help and restarting my pc.

(1 edit)

Hmm... that's an interesting issue, I (Rriik) have never run across it, but if it persists even after deleting and redownloading all the files it likely means it's related to the persistent data (saves, config files and the persistent dialogue history used for skipping). If you can open the game and look at the options menu, there should be a button to "Browse user data" which will open up the persistent directory. Try deleting the persistent.json file and restart the game, and let me know if it fixes the issue. (The folder location should be under "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Identity Visual Novel" in case you can't open it through the game).

Doesn't allow me to click it at all, might be just my trash pc.

Can you find the folder manually then? Note that the AppData folder is hidden by default in Windows, so you'll have to enable the "show hidden items" option under your file explorer settings.

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